My vote goes to Felix the cord-gnawing cat. 😸🐾

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I am not a scientist... I am over here in the toy aisle (sports). But when u surrender power (literally) to sources like the weather, that is a dangerous proposition. The wind comes and goes.. rain, snow, cold, hot--- in this state? Can have them all in 1 week. or not at all for 6 months. Keep exposing this 24-7-365 sitcom, Ken.

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The Biden administration where failing up is part of the gig.... Bad governor on Energy--- lets put her in charge of energy for the country... always works! Like promoting the LBers coach who sucks to Head coach... SMH.

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Why is it considered a good thing to be “obsessed” with accomplishing something? By definition it implies that the obsessor is potentially unaware of anything else. Aviators call that ‘target lock’ and it is often responsible for flying aircraft into the target with a spectacular crash. Her obsession is wielding power, not climate change, and her efforts will not make us more healthy, prosperous or free.

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