May 6Liked by Ken Braun

What a Great collection of news no one covered in the main stream media. This collection would be a great add-on to Robert Bryce’s renewable rejection database, a new category : wind farm failures. http://0v9.95b.mywebsitetransfer.com/renewable-rejection-database/

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Earth is cooler with the atmosphere, water vapor, 30% albedo not warmer.

Ubiquitous GHE heat balance graphics use bad math & badder physics.

The kinetic heat transfer modes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules render impossible a BB surface upwelling and looping “extra” LWIR energy for the GHE.

Consensus science has a well-documented history of being wrong & abusing those who dared to challenge it. (Bruno, drawn & quartered)

GHE & CAGW are wrong so alarmists resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship & violence.

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Lots of accusations there, but no evidence.

Let's discusses the science!!


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“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”

― Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Believe = religion

Think = opinion

Know = science

What I know follows.

What do you know that’s different?

Published (SubStack, X, MS Edge, YouTube (banned), PAPundits, et. al.)

Peer reviewed (by the world)

Undisputed (so far)

ISR at ToA = 1,368 W/m^2.

From the Sun’s perspective Earth is a flat, discular, pin head.

To average that discular energy over a spherical surface divide by 4.

(disc = π r^2, sphere = 4 π r^2)


(Not even close to how the Earth heats & cools + this is Fourier’s model which even Pierrehumbert says is no good.)

Deduct 30% albedo.

(Clouds, ice, snow created by GHE/water vapor.)


Deduct 80 due to atmospheric absorption.

(If this were so ToA would be warmer than surface.)

Net/net of 160 arrives at surface.

Per LoT 1 160 is ALL!! that can leave.

17 sensible + 80 latent + 63 LWIR (by remaining diff) = 160

Balance is closed, done, over, fini, “Ttthhhat’s ALL folks!!”

So where does this 396 second source of surface upwelling heat flow come from?

396 is the S-B BB calculation for any surface at 16 C, 289 K, that serves as the denominator of the emissivity ratio: 63/396=0.16.

It is a theoretical calculation.

It is not real.

It is a duplicate “extra.”

It violates LoT 1.

396 up – 2nd 63 LWIR (How convenient.) = 333 “back” from cold to hot w/o work violating LoT 2.

Not that it matters.

Erase the 396/333/63 GHE “extra” energy loop from the graphic and the balance holds true.

IR instruments do not measure power flux, they are calibrated to report a referenced temperature and infer power flux assuming the target is a BB. (Read the manual.)

16 C + BB = 396 & incorrect.

16 C + 0.16 = 63 & correct.

There is no GHE.

There is no GHG warming.

There is no CAGW,

The consensus is wrong – Aahhgain!!!


Bring science which is not - appeals to authority, off topic esoteric Wiki handwavium and ad hominem gaslighting and insults.

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Earth is cooler w atmosphere/WV/30% albedo not warmer.

Ubiquitous RGHE heat balance graphics don't + violate LoT.

Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render surface BB impossible.

RGHE is bogus & CAGW is a scam!


FACT 1: Remove the Earth’s atmosphere or even just the GHGs and the Earth becomes much like the Moon, no water vapor or clouds, no ice or snow, no oceans, no vegetation, no 30% albedo becoming a barren rock ball, hot^3 (400 K) on the lit side, cold^3 (100 K) on the dark. At our distance from the Sun space is hot (394 K) not cold (5 K).

That’s NOT what the RGHE theory says.


RGHE theory “288 K w – 255 K w/o = a 33 C colder ice ball Earth” 255 K assumes w/o keeps 30% albedo, an assumption akin to criminal fraud.

Nikolov “Airless Celestial Bodies”

Kramm “Moon as test bed for Earth”

UCLA Diviner lunar mission data

JWST solar shield

ISS HVAC design for lit side of 250 F. (ISS web site)

Astronaut backpack life support w/ AC and cool water tubing underwear. (Space Discovery Center)

FACT 2: The GHGs require “extra” energy upwelling from a surface radiating as a Black Body.


According to the K-T atmospheric power flux balance, numerous clones and SURFRAD the GHGs must absorb an “extra” 396/333/63 W/m^2 LWIR energy upwelling from the surface allegedly radiating as a Black Body. These graphics contain egregious arithmetic and thermodynamic errors.

FACT 3: Because of the significant non-radiative, i.e. kinetic, heat transfer processes of the contiguous participating atmospheric molecules the surface cannot upwell “extra” energy as a near Black Body.


As demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.

For the experimental write up see:



No RGHE, no GHG warming, no CAGW or mankind/CO2 driven climate change.


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Not a wind fan but failure numbers vs number of worldwide operating turbines is quite low. Sensational but low. Also to include doors as a failure would be disingenuous. These events aren’t cheap but then against, sans govt insensitives, neither is wind power.

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Ready for you to discuss.

How & why am I wrong??

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Did any of them put out clouds of radioactivity?

Did the turbine fall into a disgusting pit of coal ash, with its heavy metals?

How many died in this event?

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