I have friends (I am sure we all do) that privately talk about Trump but publicly shy away from discussing Trump or politics. They do not want to endure the scorn and self-righteous rebukes from democratic friends and family. Me not so much. I engage and find that so many dem supporters are ignorant on so many issues. They have TDS are never Trumpers or have always been democrats without thoughtful reason.

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Poll talkers are well aware of this phenomenon and adjust for it in the polling methodology. Counting on a third consecutive misfire is problematic.

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Honestly, I get calls almost every week for political surveys. I always respond pro democrat. Remember what Sun Tzu said: “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”

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Good points and an accurate history. EXCEPT, in the 9-10 years of Donald’s efforts in politics, he has created a new, and growing daily, cadre of voters which fortunately outnumber the shy Trump voters: the Exhausted Majority! The culture has shifted….

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